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Student's Test Accommodation Request
  • If you need assistance filling out this form, see the secretary.
  • This request must be made at least 3-5 school days before the test.
  • You must inform your instructor that you will need testing accommodations so they can fill out an Instructor's Test Accommodation Form online.

*First Name:
*Last Name:
Middle Initial:
*Course Test is Given in:
*Instructor's First and Last Name:
*Days and Time of Class
*Date You are Requesting to Take Your Test:
*Time You are Requesting to Take Your Test:
Note: Please call the Student Success Center at 417-659-3725 with questions.
Accommodations you will need for this test, (accommodations must agree with Accommodation Memo). Check all that apply:
Extended Time
Audio Formatted Test
Computer for Word Processing
Someone to Record My Answers
Reduced Distraction Testing Room
Test Enlarged
Someone to Read the Test Questions to Me
Please Specify:
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