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Student Employment Request/Change Form
  • For MSSU Staff Completion Only

  • To be completed by requesting department.
  • All fields are required except email,special instructions and address information.

Student's First Name
Student's Last Name
Student's SID
Is this an international student?
Work Type
Employment Start Date*
*NOTE: Student must complete new hire paperwork prior to start date.
New Hire Paperwork Completion Date (internal purposes only):
Student's Job Title:
Index Code
Account Code
Grant Code
Job Status
Primary Rate of Pay (if any)
Secondary Rate of Pay (if any)
Additional Rate of Pay (if any)
Special Instructions
Immediate Supervisor *
*NOTE: Immediate supervisor will be responsilbe for approving the student's timesheet.
Work Phone of Immediate Supervisor
Departmental Approver (optional):*
*NOTE: If a Departmental Approver is listed, both the Immediate Supervisor and Departmental Approver will be responsible for approving the student's timesheet.
Departmental Reviewer (optional):*
*NOTE: If a Departmental Reviewer is listed, the Departmental Reviewer will only be able to view a student’s timesheet while it is pending approval. Departmental Reviewers will NOT be responsible for approving a student’s timesheet.
Enter your LioNet login information to sign form
Employee Username