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Undergraduate Change of Major, Minor, Certificate, or Catalog Year
Use this form to update your Undergraduate curriculum - change or add another major, certificate, minor or change catalog year. The submission of this form will not update your assigned advisor. You are responsible for contacting the department of your major or minor to have an advisor assigned to you.
The catalog year refers to the degree requirements that will be used to check for degree completion. You may use the catalog issued for any year following the date of your first enrollment at MSSU provided it is not more than six years prior to the date the degree is to be conferred. You must have been in residence at MSSU and earned credit during the year of the catalog selected. Use the following terms to indicate catalog year:
For changes to graduate curriculum, contact the applicable Graduate program coordinator.
Catalog for Degree Requirements
Degree Requirements Must be Completed by This Date
2018-2019 Catalog
Expires July 2025
2019-2020 Catalog
Expires July 2026
2020-2021 Catalog
Expires July 2027
2021-2022 Catalog
Expires July 2028
2022-2023 Catalog
Expires July 2029
2023-2024 Catalog
Expires July 2030
2024-2025 Catalog
Expires July 2031
If you cannot find your desired Undergraduate major, certificate, minor or catalog year, or have any questions related to this form or process, email The Office of the Registrar at registrar@mssu.edu.
Full Name:
Student ID Number:
Change Major From
(If you have never completed a change of major form in the Registrar's Office or online, choose "OT01 Undecided Regularly Admitted"; if you are not changing your major choose "No changes in major code"):
No Change
AC00 Accounting (BSBA)
AR01 Art-Visual (BA)
BAS0 Applied Science (BAS)
BAS1 Env. Health & Safety (BAS)
BAS2 Env. Health & Safety DL (BAS)
BG00 Bachelor of Gen Studies (BGS)
BI01 Biology-Btch Mic Gen (BS)
BI02 Biology-Ecol Mar Cons (BS)
BI04 Biology-Gen Bio or Und (BS)
BI05 Biology-Phys/Occup Thpy (BS)
BI11 Biomedical Sciences Undeclared (BS)
BI12 Biomed Sci Pre-Dental (BS)
BI13 Biomed Sci Pre-Medical/PAl (BS)
BI14 Biomed Sci Pre-Optometry (BS)
BI15 Biomed Sci Pre-Pharmacy (BS)
BI16 Biomed Sci Pre-Veterinary (BS)
CH00 Chemistry (BS)
CH01 Chemistry (BA)
CH02 Chem-Biochemistry (BS)
CH03 Chem-Premedical (BS)
CH04 Chem-Prepharmacy (BS)
CH05 Chem-Preveterinarian (BS)
CH06 Chem-Predental (BS)
CH07 Chem-Preoptometry (BS)
CH08 Chem-Forensic Science (BS)
CH09 Chem-Health Professional (BS)
CI02 CIS-Computational Math (BS)
CI04 CIS-Info Technology (BS)
CI05 CIS-Comp Forensics/CJAD (BS)
CI07 CIS-Info Systems (AS)
CI12 CIS-Info Tech(BS) PI cert (IE86)
CJ00 Crim Just Ad-Comp Foren/CIS (BS)
CJ01 Criminal Justice Adm (BS)
CO00 Comm-Public Relations (BA)
CO02 Communications-Mass (BA)
CO05 Comm-Public Relations (BS)
CO06 Communications-Mass (BS)
DH01 Dental Hygiene Appli (AS)
EE01 E Ed-Erly Ch {Birth-3} (BSE)
EE03 El Ed (1-6) Sp Ed {K-12} (BSE)
EE04 Elem Ed 1-6 & ELL {K-12} (BSE)
EE14 Elementary Ed I-6 (BSE)
EM21 Mid Sch-Math {5-9} (BSE)
EM22 Mid Sch-Comm Arts/Eng {5-9} (BSE)
EM23 Mid Sch-Science {5-9} (BSE)
EM24 Mid Sch-Soc Studies {5-9} (BSE)
ES04 Sec Ed-Chemistry (BSE)
ES06 Education-Phys Ed {K-12} (BSE)
ES08 Education-Art {K-12} (BSE)
ES09 Secondary Ed-Biology (BSE)
ES10 Secondary Ed-Bus (BSE)
ES12 Secondary Ed-Eng (9-12) (BSE)
ES15 Secondary Ed-Math (BSE)
ES20 Education-Spanish {K-12} (BSE)
ES21 Sec Ed-Speech & Drama (BSE)
ES24 Education Vocal K-12 (BME)
ES25 Education-Instrumental K-12 (BME)
ES26 Soc Sci Ed Option 1 9-12 (BSE)
ES27 Soc Sci Ed Option 2 9-12 (BSE)
EN03 English-Lit Studies (BA)
EN04 English-Prof/Tech Writ (BA)
EN05 English-Lit Studies (BS)
EN06 English Prof/Tech Writing (BS)
EH02 Environmental Hlth & Safety (BS)
EH04 Environmental Hlth – Online(BS)
FL02 Modern Language/Spanish (BA)
FN10 Finance (BSBA)
GB00 General Business (BSBA)
HA00 Healthcare Administration (BS)
HI00 History (BA)
HI01 History (BS)
HS01 Health Science-Dental Hyg (BS)
HS02 Health Science-Rad Tech (BS)
HS03 Health Science-Res Ther (BS)
HS06 Health Science-Paramedic (BS)
IE00 Industrial Engineer Tech (BS)
IE02 Manufacturing Engineer Tech (AS)
IP00 IPA International Relations (BA)
IP01 IPA Political Science (BA)
IP04 IPA Global Cultural Studies (BA)
IP05 IPA International Affairs (BA)
IP06 IPA Political Affairs (BS)
IP09 IPA Soc Sci Educ (BS)
IP10 IPA General Emphasis (BS)
KI02 Exercise Science (BS)
KI03 Sport & Rec Mgmt Kine (BS)
KI05 Food Science and Nutrition (BS)
LE00 Law Enforcement-Opt A (AS)
LE01 Law Enforcement-Opt B (AS)
MA00 Mathematics (BS)
MA01 Computational Math/CIS (BS)
ML01 Med Lab Sci Applicant (BS)
MM00 Management (BSBA)
MM03 Marketing (BSBA)
MM04 Human Resource Mgmt (BSBA)
MM07 Entrepreneurship (BSBA)
MM06 Supply Chain Management (BSBA)
MU00 Music (BA)
MU05 Musical Theatre (BM)
MU06 Instrumental Performance (BM)
MU07 Keyboard Performance (BM)
MU08 Vocal Performance (BM)
MU09 Electives Outside field (BM)
MU10 Music Industry (BS)
NU01 Nursing Applicant (BS)
PY00 Psychology (BS)
PY01 Psychology (BA)
RA00 Radiologic Tech Appli (AS)
RE01 Resp Thpy Applicant (AS)
SO00 Sociology (BA)
SO01 Sociology (BS)
SO02 Social Sciences (BS)
SW00 Social Work Applicant (BSW)
TH00 Theatre (BA)
TH07 Theatre Performance (BFA)
TH10 Theatre Industry (BS)
OT01 Exploratory
OT03 Business Major Undeclared
No Change
AC00 Accounting (BSBA)
AR01 Art-Visual (BA)
BAS0 Applied Science (BAS)
BAS1 Env. Health & Safety (BAS)
BAS2 Env. Health & Safety DL (BAS)
BG00 Bachelor of Gen Studies (BGS)
BI01 Biology-Btch Mic Gen (BS)
BI02 Biology-Ecol Mar Cons (BS)
BI04 Biology-Gen Bio or Und (BS)
BI05 Biology-Phys/Occup Thpy (BS)
BI11 Biomedical Sciences Undeclared (BS)
BI12 Biomed Sci Pre-Dental (BS)
BI13 Biomed Sci Pre-Medical/PAl (BS)
BI14 Biomed Sci Pre-Optometry (BS)
BI15 Biomed Sci Pre-Pharmacy (BS)
BI16 Biomed Sci Pre-Veterinary (BS)
CH00 Chemistry (BS)
CH01 Chemistry (BA)
CH02 Chem-Biochemistry (BS)
CH03 Chem-Premedical (BS)
CH04 Chem-Prepharmacy (BS)
CH05 Chem-Preveterinarian (BS)
CH06 Chem-Predental (BS)
CH07 Chem-Preoptometry (BS)
CH08 Chem-Forensic Science (BS)
CH09 Chem-Health Professional (BS)
CI02 CIS-Computational Math (BS)
CI04 CIS-Info Technology (BS)
CI05 CIS-Comp Forensics/CJAD (BS)
CI07 CIS-Info Systems (AS)
CI12 CIS-Info Tech(BS) PI cert (IE86)
CJ00 Crim Just Ad-Comp Foren/CIS (BS)
CJ01 Criminal Justice Adm (BS)
CO00 Comm-Public Relations (BA)
CO02 Communications-Mass (BA)
CO05 Comm-Public Relations (BS)
CO06 Communications-Mass (BS)
DH01 Dental Hygiene Appli (AS)
EE01 E Ed-Erly Ch {Birth-3} (BSE)
EE03 El Ed (1-6) Sp Ed {K-12} (BSE)
EE04 Elem Ed 1-6 & ELL {K-12} (BSE)
EE14 Elementary Ed I-6 (BSE)
EM21 Mid Sch-Math {5-9} (BSE)
EM22 Mid Sch-Comm Arts/Eng {5-9} (BSE)
EM23 Mid Sch-Science {5-9} (BSE)
EM24 Mid Sch-Soc Studies {5-9} (BSE)
ES04 Sec Ed-Chemistry (BSE)
ES06 Education-Phys Ed {K-12} (BSE)
ES08 Education-Art {K-12} (BSE)
ES09 Secondary Ed-Biology (BSE)
ES10 Secondary Ed-Bus (BSE)
ES12 Secondary Ed-Eng (9-12) (BSE)
ES15 Secondary Ed-Math (BSE)
ES20 Education-Spanish {K-12} (BSE)
ES21 Sec Ed-Speech & Drama (BSE)
ES24 Education Vocal K-12 (BME)
ES25 Education-Instrumental K-12 (BME)
ES26 Soc Sci Ed Option 1 9-12 (BSE)
ES27 Soc Sci Ed Option 2 9-12 (BSE)
EN03 English-Lit Studies (BA)
EN04 English-Prof/Tech Writ (BA)
EN05 English-Lit Studies (BS)
EN06 English Prof/Tech Writing (BS)
EH02 Environmental Hlth & Safety (BS)
EH04 Environmental Hlth – Online(BS)
FL02 Modern Language/Spanish (BA)
FN10 Finance (BSBA)
GB00 General Business (BSBA)
HA00 Healthcare Administration (BS)
HI00 History (BA)
HI01 History (BS)
HS01 Health Science-Dental Hyg (BS)
HS02 Health Science-Rad Tech (BS)
HS03 Health Science-Res Ther (BS)
HS06 Health Science-Paramedic (BS)
IE00 Industrial Engineer Tech (BS)
IE02 Manufacturing Engineer Tech (AS)
IP00 IPA International Relations (BA)
IP01 IPA Political Science (BA)
IP04 IPA Global Cultural Studies (BA)
IP05 IPA International Affairs (BA)
IP06 IPA Political Affairs (BS)
IP09 IPA Soc Sci Educ (BS)
IP10 IPA General Emphasis (BS)
KI02 Exercise Science (BS)
KI03 Sport & Rec Mgmt Kine (BS)
KI05 Food Science and Nutrition (BS)
LE00 Law Enforcement-Opt A (AS)
LE01 Law Enforcement-Opt B (AS)
MA00 Mathematics (BS)
MA01 Computational Math/CIS (BS)
ML01 Med Lab Sci Applicant (BS)
MM00 Management (BSBA)
MM03 Marketing (BSBA)
MM04 Human Resource Mgmt (BSBA)
MM07 Entrepreneurship (BSBA)
MM06 Supply Chain Management (BSBA)
MU00 Music (BA)
MU05 Musical Theatre (BM)
MU06 Instrumental Performance (BM)
MU07 Keyboard Performance (BM)
MU08 Vocal Performance (BM)
MU09 Electives Outside field (BM)
MU10 Music Industry (BS)
NU01 Nursing Applicant (BS)
PY00 Psychology (BS)
PY01 Psychology (BA)
RA00 Radiologic Tech Appli (AS)
RE01 Resp Thpy Applicant (AS)
SO00 Sociology (BA)
SO01 Sociology (BS)
SO02 Social Sciences (BS)
SW00 Social Work Applicant (BSW)
TH00 Theatre (BA)
TH07 Theatre Performance (BFA)
TH10 Theatre Industry (BS)
OT01 Exploratory
OT03 Business Major Undeclared
Change Minor From:
(If you are not changing your minor choose "No changes in minor code"):
No Change
AC80 Accounting-(Non-Business Maj
AC81 Accounting for Business Majors
AR80 Art-Studio
AR81 Art-Graphic Design
AR82 Art History
BI80 Biology
CI80 Computer Information Systems
CI82 Network System Administration
CI83 Website Administration
CI84 Information Assurance & Tech
CJ80 Corrections
CJ81 Crime Scene Investigation
CJ82 Criminal Justice Admin
CJ83 Juvenile Justice
CO80 Mass Communications
CO81 Public Relations
CO82 Speech Communications
EC85 Economics-BSBA
EC86 Economics-Non-BSBA
EN80 English-Literature Emphasis
EN81 English-Writing Emphasis
EN82 English-Creative Writing
FN85 Finance-BSBA
FN86 Finance-Non-BSBA
GB80 General Business-Non BSBA
GE80 Geography
HI80 History
IB80 International Business
MA80 Mathematics
MM60 Supply Chain Management
MM81 Human Resource
MM82 Management
MM83 Marketing
MM84 Multi-Media
MM85 Total Quality Management
MM88 Entrepreneurship
MS80 Military Science
MU80 Music
PI80 Philosophy
PS80 Political Science
PS82 International Politics
PS83 Legal Studies
PY80 Psychology
SO82 Sociology
SO84 Anthropology
TH80 Theatre
No Change
AC80 Accounting-(Non-Business Maj
AC81 Accounting for Business Majors
AR80 Art-Studio
AR81 Art-Graphic Design
AR82 Art History
BI80 Biology
CI80 Computer Information Systems
CI82 Network System Administration
CI83 Website Administration
CI84 Information Assurance & Tech
CJ80 Corrections
CJ81 Crime Scene Investigation
CJ82 Criminal Justice Admin
CJ83 Juvenile Justice
CO80 Mass Communications
CO81 Public Relations
CO82 Speech Communications
EC85 Economics-BSBA
EC86 Economics-Non-BSBA
EN80 English-Literature Emphasis
EN81 English-Writing Emphasis
EN82 English-Creative Writing
FN85 Finance-BSBA
FN86 Finance-Non-BSBA
GB80 General Business-Non BSBA
GE80 Geography
HI80 History
IB80 International Business
MA80 Mathematics
MM60 Supply Chain Management
MM81 Human Resource
MM82 Management
MM83 Marketing
MM84 Multi-Media
MM85 Total Quality Management
MM88 Entrepreneurship
MS80 Military Science
MU80 Music
PI80 Philosophy
PS80 Political Science
PS82 International Politics
PS83 Legal Studies
PY80 Psychology
SO82 Sociology
SO84 Anthropology
TH80 Theatre
Change Certificate From:
(If you are not changing your certificate choose "No changes in certificate code"):
No Change
AR90 Art Illustration (Cert)
AR91 Art Publication Design (Cert)
AR92 Interdisciplinary Photography
AR93 New Media (Cert)
BI90 Unmanned Aircraft (Cert)
CH90 Chemical Lab Sciences (Cert)
CI90 App Development (Cert)
CI91 Website Administration (Cert)
CI92 Info Assurance/Security (Cert)
CJ90 Policing (Cert)
CJ91 Criminal Investigations (Cert)
CJ92 Corrections (Cert)
CJ93 Juvenile Justice (Cert)
CJ94 Crime Scene Investigation (Cert)
CJ95 Criminal Law (Cert)
CJ96 Homeland Security (Cert)
CJ97 Conservation Mgmt (Cert)
CO90 Prof Communication (Cert)
CO91 Digital Mrkt Comm (Cert)
CO92 Int Mrkt Comm/PR (Cert)
CO93 Stakeholder Engagement (Cert)
EH84 EHS-General Awareness (Cert)
EH85 EHS Env Protection (Cert)
EH86 EHS-Env Public Health (Cert)
EH87 EHS-Occupational Hlth&Sfty (Cert)
EH88 Hazardous Mat Mgmt (C)
EN90 Creative Writing (Cert)
EN91 Professional Writing (Cert)
HA90 Healthcare Business (Cert)
HI90 Latin American Studies (Cert)
HI91 Public History (Cert)
HN90 Honors Interdisciplinary Studies
IE86 Continuous Process Imp (Cert)
IE89 Automation (Cert)
IP90 Global Citizenship (Cert)
IS90 Teach English as a FL (Cert)
KI90 Coaching (Cert)
KI92 Exercise Science (Cert)
KI93 Nutrition (Cert)
KI94 Community Health (Cert)
KI95 Rehabilitation Science (Cert)
LE81 Peace Officer Train (Cert)
MA90 Math Tutor I (Cert)
MA91 Math Tutor II (Cert)
ML85 Spanish (Cert)
ML86 Spanish for Professions (Cert)
ML90 Linguistics (Cert)
MM70 Supply Chain Management (Cert)
MU91 Music Conducting (Cert)
MU92 Music Instruction (Cert)
MU93 Music Ensemble Perf (Cert)
MU94 Music Industry (Cert)
MU96 Musical Theatre (Cert)
MU97 Pit Orchestra Performance
MU98 Jazz (Cert)
PA80 Emergency Med Tech (Cert)
PA81 Paramedic (Cert)
PA82 Advanced EMT (Cert)
PA91 Firefighter (Cert)
PH91 Physics Tutor (Cert)
PH92 Physics Tutor II (Cert)
PS90 Intl Politics & Diplomacy (Cert)
PS92 Legal Studies (Cert)
PS93 Campaign & Elections (Cert)
PS94 Political Communication (Cert)
PS95 Public Admin/Urban Planning (Cert)
PY90 Developmental Psychology (Cert)
PY92 Autism Spectrum Disorder (Cert)
PY93 Applied Behavior Analysis (Cert)
PY94 Clinical & Counseling Psy (Cert)
PY95 Behavior Neuroscience (Cert)
SO90 Gender Studies (Cert)
SO91 Social Institutions (Cert)
SO92 American Studies (Cert)
SO93 Global Black Studies (Cert)
SO94 Cultural Anthropology (Cert)
SS80 Six Sigma Green Belt(Cert)
SS81 Six Sigma Black Belt(Cert)
TH90 Theatre Stage Technology (Cert)
TH92 Costume Technology (Cert)
TH94 Theatre Directing (Cert)
TH95 Arts Admin & Leadership (Cert)
No Change
AR90 Art Illustration (Cert)
AR91 Art Publication Design (Cert)
AR92 Interdisciplinary Photography
AR93 New Media (Cert)
BI90 Unmanned Aircraft (Cert)
CH90 Chemical Lab Sciences (Cert)
CI90 App Development (Cert)
CI91 Website Administration (Cert)
CI92 Info Assurance/Security (Cert)
CJ90 Policing (Cert)
CJ91 Criminal Investigations (Cert)
CJ92 Corrections (Cert)
CJ93 Juvenile Justice (Cert)
CJ94 Crime Scene Investigation (Cert)
CJ95 Criminal Law (Cert)
CJ96 Homeland Security (Cert)
CJ97 Conservation Mgmt (Cert)
CO90 Prof Communication (Cert)
CO91 Digital Mrkt Comm (Cert)
CO92 Int Mrkt Comm/PR (Cert)
CO93 Stakeholder Engagement (Cert)
EH84 EHS-General Awareness (Cert)
EH85 EHS Env Protection (Cert)
EH86 EHS-Env Public Health (Cert)
EH87 EHS-Occupational Hlth&Sfty (Cert)
EH88 Hazardous Mat Mgmt (C)
EN90 Creative Writing (Cert)
EN91 Professional Writing (Cert)
HA90 Healthcare Business (Cert)
HI90 Latin American Studies (Cert)
HI91 Public History (Cert)
HN90 Honors Interdisciplinary Studies
IE86 Continuous Process Imp (Cert)
IE89 Automation (Cert)
IP90 Global Citizenship (Cert)
IS90 Teach English as a FL (Cert)
KI90 Coaching (Cert)
KI92 Exercise Science (Cert)
KI93 Nutrition (Cert)
KI94 Community Health (Cert)
KI95 Rehabilitation Science (Cert)
LE81 Peace Officer Train (Cert)
MA90 Math Tutor I (Cert)
MA91 Math Tutor II (Cert)
ML85 Spanish (Cert)
ML86 Spanish for Professions (Cert)
ML90 Linguistics (Cert)
MM70 Supply Chain Management (Cert)
MU91 Music Conducting (Cert)
MU92 Music Instruction (Cert)
MU93 Music Ensemble Perf (Cert)
MU94 Music Industry (Cert)
MU96 Musical Theatre (Cert)
MU98 Jazz (Cert)
MU97 Pit Orchestra Performance
PA80 Emergency Med Tech (Cert)
PA81 Paramedic (Cert)
PA82 Advanced EMT (Cert)
PA91 Firefighter (Cert)
PH91 Physics Tutor (Cert)
PH92 Physics Tutor II (Cert)
PS90 Intl Politics & Diplomacy (Cert)
PS92 Legal Studies (Cert)
PS93 Campaign & Elections (Cert)
PS94 Political Communication (Cert)
PS95 Public Admin/Urban Planning (Cert)
PY90 Developmental Psychology (Cert)
PY92 Autism Spectrum Disorder (Cert)
PY93 Applied Behavior Analysis (Cert)
PY94 Clinical & Counseling Psy (Cert)
PY95 Behavior Neuroscience (Cert)
SO90 Gender Studies (Cert)
SO91 Social Institutions (Cert)
SO92 American Studies (Cert)
SO93 Global Black Studies (Cert)
SO94 Cultural Anthropology (Cert)
SS80 Six Sigma Green Belt(Cert)
SS81 Six Sigma Black Belt(Cert)
TH90 Theatre Stage Technology (Cert)
TH92 Costume Technology (Cert)
TH94 Theatre Directing (Cert)
TH95 Arts Admin & Leadership (Cert)
Catalog Year (header year):
No change
Catalog Year for Second Major:
No change
Add Second Major:
No Change
AC00 Accounting (BSBA)
AR01 Art-Visual (BA)
BAS0 Applied Science (BAS)
BAS1 Env. Health & Safety (BAS)
BAS2 Env. Health & Safety DL (BAS)
BG00 Bachelor of Gen Studies (BGS)
BI01 Biology-Btch Mic Gen (BS)
BI02 Biology-Ecol Mar Cons (BS)
BI04 Biology-Gen Bio or Und (BS)
BI05 Biology-Phys/Occup Thpy (BS)
BI11 Biomedical Sciences Undeclared (BS)
BI12 Biomed Sci Pre-Dental (BS)
BI13 Biomed Sci Pre-Medical/PAl (BS)
BI14 Biomed Sci Pre-Optometry (BS)
BI15 Biomed Sci Pre-Pharmacy (BS)
BI16 Biomed Sci Pre-Veterinary (BS)
CH00 Chemistry (BS)
CH01 Chemistry (BA)
CH02 Chem-Biochemistry (BS)
CH03 Chem-Premedical (BS)
CH04 Chem-Prepharmacy (BS)
CH05 Chem-Preveterinarian (BS)
CH06 Chem-Predental (BS)
CH07 Chem-Preoptometry (BS)
CH08 Chem-Forensic Science (BS)
CH09 Chem-Health Professional (BS)
CI02 CIS-Computational Math (BS)
CI04 CIS-Info Technology (BS)
CI05 CIS-Comp Forensics/CJAD (BS)
CI07 CIS-Info Systems (AS)
CI12 CIS-Info Tech(BS) PI cert (IE86)
CJ00 Crim Just Ad-Comp Foren/CIS (BS)
CJ01 Criminal Justice Adm (BS)
CO00 Comm-Public Relations (BA)
CO02 Communications-Mass (BA)
CO05 Comm-Public Relations (BS)
CO06 Communications-Mass (BS)
DH01 Dental Hygiene Appli (AS)
EE01 E Ed-Erly Ch {Birth-3} (BSE)
EE03 El Ed (1-6) Sp Ed {K-12} (BSE)
EE04 Elem Ed 1-6 & ELL {K-12} (BSE)
EE14 Elementary Ed I-6 (BSE)
EM21 Mid Sch-Math {5-9} (BSE)
EM22 Mid Sch-Comm Arts/Eng {5-9} (BSE)
EM23 Mid Sch-Science {5-9} (BSE)
EM24 Mid Sch-Soc Studies {5-9} (BSE)
ES04 Sec Ed-Chemistry (BSE)
ES06 Education-Phys Ed {K-12} (BSE)
ES08 Education-Art {K-12} (BSE)
ES09 Secondary Ed-Biology (BSE)
ES10 Secondary Ed-Bus (BSE)
ES12 Secondary Ed-Eng (9-12) (BSE)
ES15 Secondary Ed-Math (BSE)
ES20 Education-Spanish {K-12} (BSE)
ES21 Sec Ed-Speech & Drama (BSE)
ES24 Education Vocal K-12 (BME)
ES25 Education-Instrumental K-12 (BME)
ES26 Soc Sci Ed Option 1 9-12 (BSE)
ES27 Soc Sci Ed Option 2 9-12 (BSE)
EN03 English-Lit Studies (BA)
EN04 English-Prof/Tech Writ (BA)
EN05 English-Lit Studies (BS)
EN06 English Prof/Tech Writing (BS)
EH02 Environmental Hlth & Safety (BS)
EH04 Environmental Hlth – Online(BS)
FL02 Modern Language/Spanish (BA)
FN10 Finance (BSBA)
GB00 General Business (BSBA)
HA00 Healthcare Administration (BS)
HI00 History (BA)
HI01 History (BS)
HS01 Health Science-Dental Hyg (BS)
HS02 Health Science-Rad Tech (BS)
HS03 Health Science-Res Ther (BS)
HS06 Health Science-Paramedic (BS)
IE00 Industrial Engineer Tech (BS)
IE02 Manufacturing Engineer Tech (AS)
IP00 IPA International Relations (BA)
IP01 IPA Political Science (BA)
IP04 IPA Global Cultural Studies (BA)
IP05 IPA International Affairs (BA)
IP06 IPA Political Affairs (BS)
IP09 IPA Soc Sci Educ (BS)
IP10 IPA General Emphasis (BS)
KI02 Exercise Science (BS)
KI03 Sport & Rec Mgmt Kine (BS)
KI05 Food Science and Nutrition (BS)
LE00 Law Enforcement-Opt A (AS)
LE01 Law Enforcement-Opt B (AS)
MA00 Mathematics (BS)
MA01 Computational Math/CIS (BS)
ML01 Med Lab Sci Applicant (BS)
MM00 Management (BSBA)
MM03 Marketing (BSBA)
MM04 Human Resource Mgmt (BSBA)
MM07 Entrepreneurship (BSBA)
MM06 Supply Chain Management (BSBA)
MU00 Music (BA)
MU05 Musical Theatre (BM)
MU06 Instrumental Performance (BM)
MU07 Keyboard Performance (BM)
MU08 Vocal Performance (BM)
MU09 Electives Outside field (BM)
MU10 Music Industry (BS)
NU01 Nursing Applicant (BS)
PY00 Psychology (BS)
PY01 Psychology (BA)
RA00 Radiologic Tech Appli (AS)
RE01 Resp Thpy Applicant (AS)
SO00 Sociology (BA)
SO01 Sociology (BS)
SO02 Social Sciences (BS)
SW00 Social Work Applicant (BSW)
TH00 Theatre (BA)
TH07 Theatre Performance (BFA)
TH10 Theatre Industry (BS)
OT01 Exploratory
OT03 Business Major Undeclared
Delete Major:
No Change
AC00 Accounting (BSBA)
AR01 Art-Visual (BA)
BAS0 Applied Science (BAS)
BAS1 Env. Health & Safety (BAS)
BAS2 Env. Health & Safety DL (BAS)
BG00 Bachelor of Gen Studies (BGS)
BI01 Biology-Btch Mic Gen (BS)
BI02 Biology-Ecol Mar Cons (BS)
BI04 Biology-Gen Bio or Und (BS)
BI05 Biology-Phys/Occup Thpy (BS)
BI11 Biomedical Sciences Undeclared (BS)
BI12 Biomed Sci Pre-Dental (BS)
BI13 Biomed Sci Pre-Medical/PAl (BS)
BI14 Biomed Sci Pre-Optometry (BS)
BI15 Biomed Sci Pre-Pharmacy (BS)
BI16 Biomed Sci Pre-Veterinary (BS)
CH00 Chemistry (BS)
CH01 Chemistry (BA)
CH02 Chem-Biochemistry (BS)
CH03 Chem-Premedical (BS)
CH04 Chem-Prepharmacy (BS)
CH05 Chem-Preveterinarian (BS)
CH06 Chem-Predental (BS)
CH07 Chem-Preoptometry (BS)
CH08 Chem-Forensic Science (BS)
CH09 Chem-Health Professional (BS)
CI02 CIS-Computational Math (BS)
CI04 CIS-Info Technology (BS)
CI05 CIS-Comp Forensics/CJAD (BS)
CI07 CIS-Info Systems (AS)
CI12 CIS-Info Tech(BS) PI cert (IE86)
CJ00 Crim Just Ad-Comp Foren/CIS (BS)
CJ01 Criminal Justice Adm (BS)
CO00 Comm-Public Relations (BA)
CO02 Communications-Mass (BA)
CO05 Comm-Public Relations (BS)
CO06 Communications-Mass (BS)
DH01 Dental Hygiene Appli (AS)
EE01 E Ed-Erly Ch {Birth-3} (BSE)
EE03 El Ed (1-6) Sp Ed {K-12} (BSE)
EE04 Elem Ed 1-6 & ELL {K-12} (BSE)
EE14 Elementary Ed I-6 (BSE)
EM21 Mid Sch-Math {5-9} (BSE)
EM22 Mid Sch-Comm Arts/Eng {5-9} (BSE)
EM23 Mid Sch-Science {5-9} (BSE)
EM24 Mid Sch-Soc Studies {5-9} (BSE)
ES04 Sec Ed-Chemistry (BSE)
ES06 Education-Phys Ed {K-12} (BSE)
ES08 Education-Art {K-12} (BSE)
ES09 Secondary Ed-Biology (BSE)
ES10 Secondary Ed-Bus (BSE)
ES12 Secondary Ed-Eng (9-12) (BSE)
ES15 Secondary Ed-Math (BSE)
ES20 Education-Spanish {K-12} (BSE)
ES21 Sec Ed-Speech & Drama (BSE)
ES24 Education Vocal K-12 (BME)
ES25 Education-Instrumental K-12 (BME)
ES26 Soc Sci Ed Option 1 9-12 (BSE)
ES27 Soc Sci Ed Option 2 9-12 (BSE)
EN03 English-Lit Studies (BA)
EN04 English-Prof/Tech Writ (BA)
EN05 English-Lit Studies (BS)
EN06 English Prof/Tech Writing (BS)
EH02 Environmental Hlth & Safety (BS)
EH04 Environmental Hlth – Online(BS)
FL02 Modern Language/Spanish (BA)
FN10 Finance (BSBA)
GB00 General Business (BSBA)
HA00 Healthcare Administration (BS)
HI00 History (BA)
HI01 History (BS)
HS01 Health Science-Dental Hyg (BS)
HS02 Health Science-Rad Tech (BS)
HS03 Health Science-Res Ther (BS)
HS06 Health Science-Paramedic (BS)
IE00 Industrial Engineer Tech (BS)
IE02 Manufacturing Engineer Tech (AS)
IP00 IPA International Relations (BA)
IP01 IPA Political Science (BA)
IP04 IPA Global Cultural Studies (BA)
IP05 IPA International Affairs (BA)
IP06 IPA Political Affairs (BS)
IP09 IPA Soc Sci Educ (BS)
IP10 IPA General Emphasis (BS)
KI02 Exercise Science (BS)
KI03 Sport & Rec Mgmt Kine (BS)
KI05 Food Science and Nutrition (BS)
LE00 Law Enforcement-Opt A (AS)
LE01 Law Enforcement-Opt B (AS)
MA00 Mathematics (BS)
MA01 Computational Math/CIS (BS)
ML01 Med Lab Sci Applicant (BS)
MM00 Management (BSBA)
MM03 Marketing (BSBA)
MM04 Human Resource Mgmt (BSBA)
MM07 Entrepreneurship (BSBA)
MM06 Supply Chain Management (BSBA)
MU00 Music (BA)
MU05 Musical Theatre (BM)
MU06 Instrumental Performance (BM)
MU07 Keyboard Performance (BM)
MU08 Vocal Performance (BM)
MU09 Electives Outside field (BM)
MU10 Music Industry (BS)
NU01 Nursing Applicant (BS)
PY00 Psychology (BS)
PY01 Psychology (BA)
RA00 Radiologic Tech Appli (AS)
RE01 Resp Thpy Applicant (AS)
SO00 Sociology (BA)
SO01 Sociology (BS)
SO02 Social Sciences (BS)
SW00 Social Work Applicant (BSW)
TH00 Theatre (BA)
TH07 Theatre Performance (BFA)
TH10 Theatre Industry (BS)
OT01 Exploratory
OT03 Business Major Undeclared
Add Minor:
No Change
AC80 Accounting-(Non-Business Maj
AC81 Accounting for Business Majors
AR80 Art-Studio
AR81 Art-Graphic Design
AR82 Art History
BI80 Biology
CI80 Computer Information Systems
CI82 Network System Administration
CI83 Website Administration
CI84 Information Assurance & Tech
CJ80 Corrections
CJ81 Crime Scene Investigation
CJ82 Criminal Justice Admin
CJ83 Juvenile Justice
CO80 Mass Communications
CO81 Public Relations
CO82 Speech Communications
EC85 Economics-BSBA
EC86 Economics-Non-BSBA
EN80 English-Literature Emphasis
EN81 English-Writing Emphasis
EN82 English-Creative Writing
FN85 Finance-BSBA
FN86 Finance-Non-BSBA
GB80 General Business-Non BSBA
GE80 Geography
HI80 History
IB80 International Business
MA80 Mathematics
MM60 Supply Chain Management
MM81 Human Resource
MM82 Management
MM83 Marketing
MM84 Multi-Media
MM85 Total Quality Management
MM88 Entrepreneurship
MS80 Military Science
MU80 Music
PI80 Philosophy
PS80 Political Science
PS82 International Politics
PS83 Legal Studies
PY80 Psychology
SO82 Sociology
SO84 Anthropology
TH80 Theatre
Catalog Year for Minor
No change
Add Second Minor:
No Change
AC80 Accounting-(Non-Business Maj
AC81 Accounting for Business Majors
AR80 Art-Studio
AR81 Art-Graphic Design
AR82 Art History
BI80 Biology
CI80 Computer Information Systems
CI82 Network System Administration
CI83 Website Administration
CI84 Information Assurance & Tech
CJ80 Corrections
CJ81 Crime Scene Investigation
CJ82 Criminal Justice Admin
CJ83 Juvenile Justice
CO80 Mass Communications
CO81 Public Relations
CO82 Speech Communications
EC85 Economics-BSBA
EC86 Economics-Non-BSBA
EN80 English-Literature Emphasis
EN81 English-Writing Emphasis
EN82 English-Creative Writing
FN85 Finance-BSBA
FN86 Finance-Non-BSBA
GB80 General Business-Non BSBA
GE80 Geography
HI80 History
IB80 International Business
MA80 Mathematics
MM60 Supply Chain Management
MM81 Human Resource
MM82 Management
MM83 Marketing
MM84 Multi-Media
MM85 Total Quality Management
MM88 Entrepreneurship
MS80 Military Science
MU80 Music
PI80 Philosophy
PS80 Political Science
PS82 International Politics
PS83 Legal Studies
PY80 Psychology
SO82 Sociology
SO84 Anthropology
TH80 Theatre
Catalog Year for Second Minor
No change
Add Certificate:
No Change
AR90 Art Illustration (Cert)
AR91 Art Publication Design (Cert)
AR92 Interdisciplinary Photography
AR93 New Media (Cert)
BI90 Unmanned Aircraft (Cert)
CH90 Chemical Lab Sciences (Cert)
CI90 App Development (Cert)
CI91 Website Administration (Cert)
CI92 Info Assurance/Security (Cert)
CJ90 Policing (Cert)
CJ91 Criminal Investigations (Cert)
CJ92 Corrections (Cert)
CJ93 Juvenile Justice (Cert)
CJ94 Crime Scene Investigation (Cert)
CJ95 Criminal Law (Cert)
CJ96 Homeland Security (Cert)
CJ97 Conservation Mgmt (Cert)
CO90 Prof Communication (Cert)
CO91 Digital Mrkt Comm (Cert)
CO92 Int Mrkt Comm/PR (Cert)
CO93 Stakeholder Engagement (Cert)
EH84 EHS-General Awareness (Cert)
EH85 EHS Env Protection (Cert)
EH86 EHS-Env Public Health (Cert)
EH87 EHS-Occupational Hlth&Sfty (Cert)
EH88 Hazardous Mat Mgmt (C)
EN90 Creative Writing (Cert)
EN91 Professional Writing (Cert)
HA90 Healthcare Business (Cert)
HI90 Latin American Studies (Cert)
HI91 Public History (Cert)
HN90 Honors Interdisciplinary Studies
IE86 Continuous Process Imp (Cert)
IE89 Automation (Cert)
IP90 Global Citizenship (Cert)
IS90 Teach English as a FL (Cert)
KI90 Coaching (Cert)
KI92 Exercise Science (Cert)
KI93 Nutrition (Cert)
KI94 Community Health (Cert)
KI95 Rehabilitation Science (Cert)
LE81 Peace Officer Train (Cert)
MA90 Math Tutor I (Cert)
MA91 Math Tutor II (Cert)
ML85 Spanish (Cert)
ML86 Spanish for Professions (Cert)
ML90 Linguistics (Cert)
MM70 Supply Chain Management (Cert)
MU91 Music Conducting (Cert)
MU92 Music Instruction (Cert)
MU93 Music Ensemble Perf (Cert)
MU94 Music Industry (Cert)
MU96 Musical Theatre (Cert)
MU97 Pit Orchestra Performance
MU98 Jazz (Cert)
PA80 Emergency Med Tech (Cert)
PA81 Paramedic (Cert)
PA82 Advanced EMT (Cert)
PA91 Firefighter (Cert)
PH91 Physics Tutor (Cert)
PH92 Physics Tutor II (Cert)
PS90 Intl Politics & Diplomacy (Cert)
PS92 Legal Studies (Cert)
PS93 Campaign & Elections (Cert)
PS94 Political Communication (Cert)
PS95 Public Admin/Urban Planning (Cert)
PY90 Developmental Psychology (Cert)
PY92 Autism Spectrum Disorder (Cert)
PY93 Applied Behavior Analysis (Cert)
PY94 Clinical & Counseling Psy (Cert)
PY95 Behavior Neuroscience (Cert)
SO90 Gender Studies (Cert)
SO91 Social Institutions (Cert)
SO92 American Studies (Cert)
SO93 Global Black Studies (Cert)
SO94 Cultural Anthropology (Cert)
SS80 Six Sigma Green Belt(Cert)
SS81 Six Sigma Black Belt(Cert)
TH90 Theatre Stage Technology (Cert)
TH92 Costume Technology (Cert)
TH94 Theatre Directing (Cert)
TH95 Arts Admin & Leadership (Cert)
Catalog Year for Certificate
No change
Add Second Certificate:
No Change
AR90 Art Illustration (Cert)
AR91 Art Publication Design (Cert)
AR92 Interdisciplinary Photography
AR93 New Media (Cert)
BI90 Unmanned Aircraft (Cert)
CH90 Chemical Lab Sciences (Cert)
CI90 App Development (Cert)
CI91 Website Administration (Cert)
CI92 Info Assurance/Security (Cert)
CJ90 Policing (Cert)
CJ91 Criminal Investigations (Cert)
CJ92 Corrections (Cert)
CJ93 Juvenile Justice (Cert)
CJ94 Crime Scene Investigation (Cert)
CJ95 Criminal Law (Cert)
CJ96 Homeland Security (Cert)
CJ97 Conservation Mgmt (Cert)
CO90 Prof Communication (Cert)
CO91 Digital Mrkt Comm (Cert)
CO92 Int Mrkt Comm/PR (Cert)
CO93 Stakeholder Engagement (Cert)
EH84 EHS-General Awareness (Cert)
EH85 EHS Env Protection (Cert)
EH86 EHS-Env Public Health (Cert)
EH87 EHS-Occupational Hlth&Sfty (Cert)
EH88 Hazardous Mat Mgmt (C)
EN90 Creative Writing (Cert)
EN91 Professional Writing (Cert)
HA90 Healthcare Business (Cert)
HI90 Latin American Studies (Cert)
HI91 Public History (Cert)
HN90 Honors Interdisciplinary Studies
IE86 Continuous Process Imp (Cert)
IE89 Automation (Cert)
IP90 Global Citizenship (Cert)
IS90 Teach English as a FL (Cert)
KI90 Coaching (Cert)
KI92 Exercise Science (Cert)
KI93 Nutrition (Cert)
KI94 Community Health (Cert)
KI95 Rehabilitation Science (Cert)
LE81 Peace Officer Train (Cert)
MA90 Math Tutor I (Cert)
MA91 Math Tutor II (Cert)
ML85 Spanish (Cert)
ML86 Spanish for Professions (Cert)
ML90 Linguistics (Cert)
MM70 Supply Chain Management (Cert)
MU91 Music Conducting (Cert)
MU92 Music Instruction (Cert)
MU93 Music Ensemble Perf (Cert)
MU94 Music Industry (Cert)
MU96 Musical Theatre (Cert)
MU97 Pit Orchestra Performance
MU98 Jazz (Cert)
PA80 Emergency Med Tech (Cert)
PA81 Paramedic (Cert)
PA82 Advanced EMT (Cert)
PA91 Firefighter (Cert)
PH91 Physics Tutor (Cert)
PH92 Physics Tutor II (Cert)
PS90 Intl Politics & Diplomacy (Cert)
PS92 Legal Studies (Cert)
PS93 Campaign & Elections (Cert)
PS94 Political Communication (Cert)
PS95 Public Admin/Urban Planning (Cert)
PY90 Developmental Psychology (Cert)
PY92 Autism Spectrum Disorder (Cert)
PY93 Applied Behavior Analysis (Cert)
PY94 Clinical & Counseling Psy (Cert)
PY95 Behavior Neuroscience (Cert)
SO90 Gender Studies (Cert)
SO91 Social Institutions (Cert)
SO92 American Studies (Cert)
SO93 Global Black Studies (Cert)
SO94 Cultural Anthropology (Cert)
SS80 Six Sigma Green Belt(Cert)
SS81 Six Sigma Black Belt(Cert)
TH90 Theatre Stage Technology (Cert)
TH92 Costume Technology (Cert)
TH94 Theatre Directing (Cert)
TH95 Arts Admin & Leadership (Cert)
Catalog Year for Second Certificate
No change
Delete Minor:
No Change
AC80 Accounting-(Non-Business Maj
AC81 Accounting for Business Majors
AR80 Art-Studio
AR81 Art-Graphic Design
AR82 Art History
BI80 Biology
CI80 Computer Information Systems
CI82 Network System Administration
CI83 Website Administration
CI84 Information Assurance & Tech
CJ80 Corrections
CJ81 Crime Scene Investigation
CJ82 Criminal Justice Admin
CJ83 Juvenile Justice
CO80 Mass Communications
CO81 Public Relations
CO82 Speech Communications
EC85 Economics-BSBA
EC86 Economics-Non-BSBA
EN80 English-Literature Emphasis
EN81 English-Writing Emphasis
EN82 English-Creative Writing
FN85 Finance-BSBA
FN86 Finance-Non-BSBA
GB80 General Business-Non BSBA
GE80 Geography
HI80 History
IB80 International Business
MA80 Mathematics
MM60 Supply Chain Management
MM81 Human Resource
MM82 Management
MM83 Marketing
MM84 Multi-Media
MM85 Total Quality Management
MM88 Entrepreneurship
MS80 Military Science
MU80 Music
PI80 Philosophy
PS80 Political Science
PS82 International Politics
PS83 Legal Studies
PY80 Psychology
SO82 Sociology
SO84 Anthropology
TH80 Theatre
Delete Certificate:
No Change
AR90 Art Illustration (Cert)
AR91 Art Publication Design (Cert)
AR92 Interdisciplinary Photography
AR93 New Media (Cert)
BI90 Unmanned Aircraft (Cert)
CH90 Chemical Lab Sciences (Cert)
CI90 App Development (Cert)
CI91 Website Administration (Cert)
CI92 Info Assurance/Security (Cert)
CJ90 Policing (Cert)
CJ91 Criminal Investigations (Cert)
CJ92 Corrections (Cert)
CJ93 Juvenile Justice (Cert)
CJ94 Crime Scene Investigation (Cert)
CJ95 Criminal Law (Cert)
CJ96 Homeland Security (Cert)
CJ97 Conservation Mgmt (Cert)
CO90 Prof Communication (Cert)
CO91 Digital Mrkt Comm (Cert)
CO92 Int Mrkt Comm/PR (Cert)
CO93 Stakeholder Engagement (Cert)
EH84 EHS-General Awareness (Cert)
EH85 EHS Env Protection (Cert)
EH86 EHS-Env Public Health (Cert)
EH87 EHS-Occupational Hlth&Sfty (Cert)
EH88 Hazardous Mat Mgmt (C)
EN90 Creative Writing (Cert)
EN91 Professional Writing (Cert)
HA90 Healthcare Business (Cert)
HI90 Latin American Studies (Cert)
HI91 Public History (Cert)
HN90 Honors Interdisciplinary Studies
IE86 Continuous Process Imp (Cert)
IE89 Automation (Cert)
IP90 Global Citizenship (Cert)
IS90 Teach English as a FL (Cert)
KI90 Coaching (Cert)
KI92 Exercise Science (Cert)
KI93 Nutrition (Cert)
KI94 Community Health (Cert)
KI95 Rehabilitation Science (Cert)
LE81 Peace Officer Train (Cert)
MA90 Math Tutor I (Cert)
MA91 Math Tutor II (Cert)
ML85 Spanish (Cert)
ML86 Spanish for Professions (Cert)
ML90 Linguistics (Cert)
MM70 Supply Chain Management (Cert)
MU91 Music Conducting (Cert)
MU92 Music Instruction (Cert)
MU93 Music Ensemble Perf (Cert)
MU94 Music Industry (Cert)
MU96 Musical Theatre (Cert)
MU97 Pit Orchestra Performance
MU98 Jazz (Cert)
PA80 Emergency Med Tech (Cert)
PA81 Paramedic (Cert)
PA82 Advanced EMT (Cert)
PA91 Firefighter (Cert)
PH91 Physics Tutor (Cert)
PH92 Physics Tutor II (Cert)
PS90 Intl Politics & Diplomacy (Cert)
PS92 Legal Studies (Cert)
PS93 Campaign & Elections (Cert)
PS94 Political Communication (Cert)
PS95 Public Admin/Urban Planning (Cert)
PY90 Developmental Psychology (Cert)
PY92 Autism Spectrum Disorder (Cert)
PY93 Applied Behavior Analysis (Cert)
PY94 Clinical & Counseling Psy (Cert)
PY95 Behavior Neuroscience (Cert)
SO90 Gender Studies (Cert)
SO91 Social Institutions (Cert)
SO92 American Studies (Cert)
SO93 Global Black Studies (Cert)
SO94 Cultural Anthropology (Cert)
SS80 Six Sigma Green Belt(Cert)
SS81 Six Sigma Black Belt(Cert)
TH90 Theatre Stage Technology (Cert)
TH92 Costume Technology (Cert)
TH94 Theatre Directing (Cert)
TH95 Arts Admin & Leadership (Cert)
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